Mark’s metal art is made using materials such as screws, nuts, and bolts. These pieces are the most time-consuming types of art that Mark creates. Each piece starts with a wood board that is measured for the number of screws needed for the design and pre-drilled. The design is laid out and mathematically calculated so that Mark knows exactly how many screws he needs of each size (ranging from 1-4 inches) and where they will be positioned to create the best 3D effect. Next, the entire board is spray painted in black. If a hand-painting technique is used, each screw is individually inserted into the board and painted on the top in a color to match the required design. Sometimes an airbrush is used to paint screws if a certain effect is desired. In this case, however, each screw is taken out and mounted on a separate board that allows Mark to paint only the head of each screw. When airbrushing is completed, all screws are removed and reapplied to the artwork. Typically a 24x24 inch piece of artwork in metals takes about 60 hours or more to complete.
Mark works with clients who have a specific design in mind. The spaces are designed and mathematically calculated to determine how they can best fit on a board to give the ultimate 3D effect. He then works with clients to design their requirements for colors and shading on the artwork.
Note: Chess Boards are made using the same process for preparing the board, with each square placed at different heights for a futuristic look. Chess pieces are made out of nuts and bolts to resemble the kings, queens, rooks, bishops, knights, and pawns.